Friends of Winnacunnet Foundation



The Foundation understands that you may not be interested in attending our annual event at The Brook, so we have set up an easy and secure way to donate money online. By clicking on the button below, you will be redirected to a secure web site called PayPal.  PayPal makes it possible for us to accept donations from credit cards or directly from bank accounts if you already have a PayPal account. If you don't already have a PayPal account, you can sign up or just use your credit card. Either way, the money will go right into the Foundation's bank account. This is a one-time transaction initiated by only you. The Payee of a PayPal donation can not initiate any transactions.

A tax-exempt status allowing deductions for donations made to the Foundation has been approved by the IRS. To view a copy of the letter approving our IRS 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status, click HERE. The Foundation has been assigned the EIN (Employee Identification Number) 42-1666789.

We thank you in advance for your generous donation. All you have to do to start is to click on the button below.

Thank You!

Send mail to with questions, suggestions or comments about this web site.